Teej is a festival that Rajasthan celebrates with all of its spirit. The festival is one of the best celebrated events in the royal state and is done so with swings, songs and a lot of dance. These are some of the flagship features that can be seen in the festival and attract a lot of attention from people living outside the state. Women do a lot of folk singing and dancing apart from dressing up in Green Clothes. They can be seen enjoying the swings and loudly singing all those special Teej songs which spark off the event. Prayers are offered to Goddess Parvati and also to her husband, Lord Shiva. This is done to pray for the prosperity of the family. The trendiest of accessories and clothes are sold of this festival on this festival. Sweet shops can be seen selling Ghevar and also Malpaus, which is another famous sweet on the festival. This festival of ‘Saawan’ is celebrated best on the day and one is assured of experiencing the finest kind of joys and happiness on the festival. This undoubtedly happens to be one of the best festivals on the block and offers a lot of joy and happiness to the ones celebrating and the ones who are a part of the celebrations.
Teej Festival of Rajasthan
Archna,Teej is a festival that Rajasthan celebrates with all of its spirit. The festival is one of the best celebrated events in the royal state and is done so with swings, songs and a lot of dance. These are some of the flagship features that can be seen in the festival and attract a lot of attention from people living outside the state. Women do a lot of folk singing and dancing apart from dressing up in Green Clothes. They can be seen enjoying the swings and loudly singing all those special Teej songs which spark off the event. Prayers are offered to Goddess Parvati and also to her husband, Lord Shiva. This is done to pray for the prosperity of the family. The trendiest of accessories and clothes are sold of this festival on this festival. Sweet shops can be seen selling Ghevar and also Malpaus, which is another famous sweet on the festival. This festival of ‘Saawan’ is celebrated best on the day and one is assured of experiencing the finest kind of joys and happiness on the festival. This undoubtedly happens to be one of the best festivals on the block and offers a lot of joy and happiness to the ones celebrating and the ones who are a part of the celebrations.
Dusshera: The Embodiment of Good conquering Evil
Archna, Sunday, October 17, 2010
The Day of Dusshera is one of the most auspicious ones in the history of Indian Culture, Religion and Mythology. The fact that on this day eons of eras back, good prevailed over evil is an indication of the legacy that it left behind. On this day, supposedly in the Treta Yug Lord Rama eliminates the Demon Ravana and freed his Wife only to bring her back home. The Wife happened to be none other than the incarnation of the Goddess Lakshmi. It is said in Hindu mythological folklore that Ravana had kidnapped Sita and incarcerated her in Ashok Vatika, which eventually was raided by the Monkey Warriors when Rama defeated and killed Ravana in a fierce battle of arrows and egos.
Dusshera, also fondly referred to as Vijayadashmi, is celebrated on the Tenth Day of the Hindu Autumn Lunar Month of Ashwin. This usually falls in the months of either September or October or after the New Moon. On this day, the Ten Day Navratri culminates. In countries like India and Nepal where the festival is celebrated, huge celebrations spark off with effigies of Ravana and his brother Kumbhkaran and son Indrajeet are burned with crackers and rockets.
These huge effigies take months to construct and from top to bottom are loaded with fire crackers. The moment they are lit up, the effigies start disintegrating within no time and get burned very quickly. One does not have to think too much into their burning for their disintegration does not even take a split second.
The culminating evening truly signifies the triumph of good over evil and marks a new dawn, a new era. One ushers into time where positivity prevails over negativity and one does not get to think of anything else other than optimism.
Ninth Day: Maa Siddhidatri
The Ninth Day of the Navratri, and the last day as well, is a day dedicated to Maa Siddhidatri. This incarnation of the Divine Mother is considered to be quite beneficial for mankind as those who pray to her from all their heart are considered to be blessed with all forms of achievement. The virtues bestowed on the person include the worldly qualities such as Anima, Mahima, Garima, Ladhima, Prapti, Ishitva, Prakaamya and Vashitva. These are just 8 that have been mentioned where as there are a total of 18 virtues.
Hindu Mythology and folklore says that even Lord Shiva attained all these virtues by worshipping Maa Siddhidatri by all his heart. This is one of the reasons why half the body of Maa Siddhidatri was that of the Devi where as the other half is that of Ardhnareshwar. On this day, all the fasting and worshipping done over the last eight days culminates. The culmination happens in a grand style through Puja, Archna, Havan etc. The portrait of the Goddess, with her four hands, is embellished with jewellery and expensive clothing. Her hands have her Chakra, Lotus, Conchshell with the four one raised to bless her devotees.
It is a great culmination to such an auspicious occasion that gets marked by lots of prayers, thoughts, sentiments and other stuff. People worship the goddess by chanting her name throughout the day and till late in the night when the effigies are burnt. The chants are meant to please the Divine Mother so that she blesses everyone praising her with all those worldly attributes one requires to lead a life full of happiness, success, triumph and cheerfulness. The best way to call off the day would be by remembering all the good deeds one ought to do to have the Mother’s Blessings.
Eighth Goddess of Navratri Maa Mahagauri
Archna, Friday, October 15, 2010
"Mahan Gaur" is the eight incarnation of Goddess Dura. She is as white as a conch, moon and Jasmine. She is of eight years old. Her clothes and ornaments are white and clean. She has three eyes. She rides on bull. She has four hands. The above left hand is in "Fearless - Madras" and lower left hand holds "Trisha." The above right hand has tambourine and lower right hand is in blessing style. She is calm and peaceful and exists in peaceful style. It is said that when the body of Gaur became dirty due to dust and earth while observing penance, Shiva makes it clean with the waters of Ganges. Then her body became bright like lightening. Therefore, she is known as "Mahan Gaur".
The worship of Maha Gauri is recommended for the eighth day of Navaratra Puja. Her power is unfailing and instantly fruitful. All sins of devotees are washed away with the result of her worship. Even accumulated sins get destroyed and in future no sins or sufferings come to him. He gets purified in all respects and becomes fit for inexhaustible virtues.
This is one of the most auspicious days in the Holy Navratri, for the fact that it happens to be the penultimate day of this holy nine-day festival and people are busy going ahead with the Pujas for a fitting finale on the last day. Some fast for eight days and break it today, where as some fast on all nine days and break it on the ninth day with a Puja.
Seventh day of navratri devoted to Maa Kalratri
Archna, Wednesday, October 13, 2010
The very essence of Kalaratri is being the One who finishes off all the Kaal. She is prophesized to destroy ignorance and take away darkness. This form reveals the Dark Side of the Divine Mother, the one who shows no mercy and in whose books every sin is unforgivable. The manifestation has also been bestowed with other names as Shubhankari, the one who was the slayer of Raktabeej. The demon in mention was a tyrant with the gift of multiplying through every drop of his blood that fell onto the ground. The Goddess maneuvered to slay him by licking every drop of crimson before it could fall to the ground. She is said to bequeath her devotees with courage and calmness.
Her complexion is dark and hair is messed. She has four hands, the ones on the left holding a torch and cleaver where as the ones on the right being in quintessential Mudra of ‘giving’ and ‘protecting’. The necklace she wears has a terrific shimmer and her three eyes emanate rays like lightning. Her nostrils exude blazing flames when she inhales and exhales air. Her escort is a Donkey, on whom she sits and rides. The most auspicious colors for this day are White, Blue and Red.
Those who worship her are always free of enemies and become fearsome. Nobody runs into them unnecessarily and peace, serenity and composure always prevail with them in life.
Sixth Day Old Navaratri: Katyayni Devi
Archna, Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Devi is said to be one of the most popular ones to have existed during the tenure of Lord Krishna. She was thoroughly worshipped and prayed by all the Gopis and Gopas who resided in Gokul. An idol of Katyayni Devi is made from clay and mud from the River Yamuna, worshipped and then subsequently dissolved in the river itself. This form of worshipping and eventual immersion is very famous in the Tamil Culture. The number of arms the Mother has is said to vary from four to eighteen, as stated in mythical folklore. All these have supposedly been presented to her by Trimurtis and the Devas. Some of the Hindu Scriptures have mentioned that she has the congregated powers of Shiva, Brahma and Mahesh. The colour of her body is said to be that of the Atasi Flower.
Her escort is the Sardula, a mythical animal regarded as the Mother of Tigers. Contrary to this, she has been shown on a Lion in some of the textures. She is said to wear subtle embellishments and a crown with a crescent moon stuck on it. Those who pray their hearts out are said to be the blessed ones receiving enormous peace, wealth, health and prosperity. The Mother is said to never turn a blind eye to her devotees.
Fifth Day of Navratri: Skandmata Devi
The Puja starts in the wee hours of the morning with the portrait of the Goddess being decorated with good clothing and expensive embellishments. A diverse range of sweets are offered to her, along with other items and cash. The Priest starts off with his chants and people lose themselves in the quest to enlighten themselves by remembering the Mother who has the onus of taking care of millions of her loyal and faithful devotees. The day is for those devout worshippers believing blindly in the Mother and knowing that Good karma and the path of righteousness will do them well.
Fourth Navratri: Devoted to Kushmanda Devi
Archna, Monday, October 11, 2010Fourth day of the Navratri begins with the chant, "Om Dukha Hantraya Namah". This chant is meant to please Kushmanda Devi, the fourth manifestation of the Divine Goddess. The Goddess is this incarnation is said to have Eight Arms, holding weapons and a mala. She is said to be seated on a Tiger and radiates as shiningly as the Sun.
White is the color meant to be worn on this day along with draping the Goddess with a cloth of the same color. This manifestation of the Divine Mother is said to annihilate sorrow of the mind and get rid of ego. She is said to possess divine powers through which the macro universe synchronizes with the micro universe and creates a lot of peace and tranquility around the person. She is the mother responsible for Birth and Rebirth.
The chant mentioned above is started off by priests at the crack of dawn along with all of those who start worshipping with them. Delicacies are prepared, which are first offered to the Mother and kept outside for crows and pigeons to come and feed on. Once that happens, then it is all open for people to take a certain portion of. The Prashaad, they say is a very noble way of ensuring that the person becomes an integral part of that festivity and is able to get into the realm of worship.
The Fourth Day of the Navratri marks the half way stage. It marks for an occasion where worshippers and devotees have been incessantly praying to the Divine Mother for the past four days with the hope that she would come and bless them with a lot of peace and happiness. Kushmanda Devi is said to bring in all these virtues and hence, is worshipped with all heart and soul on this day.