The very first day in the auspicious nine day long Navratri is known as the day of Kalash Sthapna. The color for the day is the Color Green and the Goddess too is dressed up in the same color as a
symbolic gesture to ethos. The apparel is either a Green Colored Lehenga, or a Green shaded saree. The day begins on a very positive and auspicious note for the fact that the holy week begins, and has to start off well. The very first thing that happens in the morning is the Prathmi Puja. This Puja sees women all around getting dressed quickly and decorating the place of worship with a lot of diyas and flowers. The Goddess is worshipped from the heart and prayers are chanted for her to come over and reside in the house, as it is perceived that her presence guarantees an unlimited influx of wealth and happiness.
A Kalash, an earthen pot, is placed near the Goddess upon which a coconut is kept, which is further draped in a holy cloth. The Kalash is revered for the fact that it happens to be a token of homage and way to welcome the Divine Mother into one’s abode.
Chants and prayers start at the crack of dawn and go on till the sun rises, into the late hours of the morning. Priests can be seen pounding the bells hard to make noise resonate in high decibels. People completely lose themselves in the quest to reach out to the divine power, which is requested with all humility to come and grace the occasion and bless everyone with wealth and prosperity. The day cannot begin on a better note than this, which promises the coming 8 days to be unforgettable. Hail the Divine Mother!

A Kalash, an earthen pot, is placed near the Goddess upon which a coconut is kept, which is further draped in a holy cloth. The Kalash is revered for the fact that it happens to be a token of homage and way to welcome the Divine Mother into one’s abode.
Chants and prayers start at the crack of dawn and go on till the sun rises, into the late hours of the morning. Priests can be seen pounding the bells hard to make noise resonate in high decibels. People completely lose themselves in the quest to reach out to the divine power, which is requested with all humility to come and grace the occasion and bless everyone with wealth and prosperity. The day cannot begin on a better note than this, which promises the coming 8 days to be unforgettable. Hail the Divine Mother!
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