"Mahan Gaur" is the eight incarnation of Goddess Dura. She is as white as a conch, moon and Jasmine. She is of eight years old. Her clothes and ornaments are white and clean. She has three eyes. She rides on bull. She has four hands. The above left hand is in "Fearless - Madras" and lower left hand holds "Trisha." The above right hand has tambourine and lower right hand is in blessing style. She is calm and peaceful and exists in peaceful style. It is said that when the body of Gaur became dirty due to dust and earth while observing penance, Shiva makes it clean with the waters of Ganges. Then her body became bright like lightening. Therefore, she is known as "Mahan Gaur".
The worship of Maha Gauri is recommended for the eighth day of Navaratra Puja. Her power is unfailing and instantly fruitful. All sins of devotees are washed away with the result of her worship. Even accumulated sins get destroyed and in future no sins or sufferings come to him. He gets purified in all respects and becomes fit for inexhaustible virtues.
This is one of the most auspicious days in the Holy Navratri, for the fact that it happens to be the penultimate day of this holy nine-day festival and people are busy going ahead with the Pujas for a fitting finale on the last day. Some fast for eight days and break it today, where as some fast on all nine days and break it on the ninth day with a Puja.
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